
Friday, December 27, 2019

The Infectious Agent That Caused The Outbreak Of...

Outbreak at Watersedge game was a fun experience that allowed me to assimilate the epidemiological process, which I used in order to find the infectious agent that caused the outbreak and to identify the disease, caused by that agent. The process I went through in order to start my investigation started at the Watersedge Department of Health, where I visited as a new intern. At first I met Leslie Hernandez, the Health Planner, who directed me to Shoua Shinde, the epidemiologist and department detective, whose areas of expertise were biology, microbiology, biostatistics, and knowledge of communicable diseases (Outbreak at Watersedge, 2004). She informed me that there were many people in the hospital with severe diarrhea and other symptoms and asked for my help in order to understand what is going on. She introduced me to Terry Tower, the public health nurse, who offered me to analyze and map the results of the interview for the first five patients. After mapping the results of five i nterviews I pinpointed a place to start, which was the Thompson Park, because all five people aside from the other activities and places went there on the same day to participate in Thompson Park cleanup. Then Shoua asked me to go to the park, to explore and take notes of what I think could be important. Meanwhile the number of reported cases increased to 20. In the park I met Mai, the Environmental Health Specialist, whose areas of expertise was toxicology, biology, chemistry, water

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Absurdity Of Existence Of The Book The Metamorphosis...

Adriana Ramirez Dr. Brueck English 148 4 May 2016 Final Paper The Absurdity of Existence In many twentieth century English literary works, but particularly in the two novellas, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and The Stranger by Albert Camus, ideas of absurdity are employed to analyze human nature and discover the true meaning of life, and death. Through the questioning of societal boundaries, both of the authors implement philosophy into their writing through their separate and unique styles. The Metamorphosis and The Stranger describe the transformation of young men who journey through life while discovering their true purposes. The belief that human beings live and exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe is at the base of the philosophical perspective of absurdity because it is believed that when humanity attempts to find meaning or rational explanation in the universe, their efforts will ultimately fail. There are many elements present in both stories, such as the themes of alienation and of the anti-hero, but the one that is strongest is absurdity as the situation s faced by the protagonists serve as an example of the spiritual dilemma of the world in which individuals must establish a meaning to their rather pointless and unreasonable existence in an absurd life. When the individual is detested in society, as is Meursault in The Stranger, it can be difficult to live an enjoyable life and accepting death may be the only way to find individual freedom. Albert CamusShow MoreRelatedEssay about Existentialism2347 Words   |  10 Pagesdifficult philosophy to grasp, but by exploring examples in literature and art, one can come to a better understanding of its basic tenets. The first tenet of existentialism is individualism and alienation, which is revealed in the works The Metamorphosis, â€Å"A Hunger Artist,† and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.† Each person is an individual; essentially, no two people experience a situation the same because no two people are the same. Due to this, existentialists tend to feel very alone and isolated. ExistentialistsRead MoreExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words   |  94 Pagesamp; expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence While, Existentialism:A philosophical theory or approach, that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free amp; responsible agent, determining their own development through acts of the will. Existentialism * is a philosophical term which posits that individuals create the meaning and essence of their lives. Existentialism asserts that â€Å"existence precedes essence,† which is in opposition to the classical

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa Essay Example For Students

Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa Essay Anorexia Nervosa is a very serious disease that is plaguing many young people inour society. This is something that is becoming more and more prevalent. It issomething that should not be taken lightly. I have chosen to do my Sciencereport on this topic, because it is something intriguing and it is found in manyteens. This is a topic that is too foreign to many people and they need to beeducated on the subject. I hope to help that in anyway I can. In the followingparagraphs I will discuss the warning signs of anorexia, the people affected bythe disease, the disease itself, and certain types of treatments for thedisorder. Firstly, I would like to discuss the warning signs of an eatingdisorder. The physical symptoms are much easier to identify, so I will startwith them. The first and most obvious sign is extreme weight loss, which you caneasily identify. To try and conceal this the anorexic will start to wear baggyclothing in an attempt to conceal the weight loss. An anorexic will also makeevery attempt to avoid a situation where food or meals are served. Times likethis will be very uncomfortable to them, because it leaves them vulnerable toquestions about their eating habits. This is something they want to avoid at allcosts. Another part of avoiding meals is to prepare big meals for groups ofpeople and eat very little. The anorexic will give excuses like, Im totired to eat, or, No, thats okay you should just eat. I prepared itfor you. This lets them off the hook in their own mind. They make it lookas they are too tired after all the hard work they have put in and usuallynobody draws attention to it. An anorexic may also start to lose hair on theirhead or begin to grow finer hair on the body. This is one sign that you willwant to look for if you have the opportunity. It will be a very accurate sign ofan eating disorder. Also, a person with an eating disorder will show differenttypes of emotional and mental symptoms. A few of the more obvious symptoms aredepression, being grouchy, temperamental, and withdrawal. These are the mostcommon signs of a person with anorexia. However, you must be very careful whenassuming that a person has an eating disorder. It should not be confused withmood swings caused by trouble with friends or at home. These symptoms areusually with the person most of the time, not just periodically. They areusually accompanied by some of the physical signs. There are a few other signsthat an anorexic person may have but are hard to identify with such as fear ofgaining weight and perfectionist tendencies. These are harder to identifybecause they can be confused with other feelings or easily concealed. You shouldnot confuse goal setting and high aspirations with perfectionist tendencies andif the person exercises daily it does not mean they are afraid of weight gain.By using common sense you can easily identify if a person has signs that areserious. That is the time you need to take action. In closing, there are manyways to identify an eating disorder, but you must do it with carefulness andthinking. Next, I will talk about the people that are most commonly affected byanorexia and who is most likely to get it. So far, I have talked about thedifferent warning signs that you will find in anorexia. Now I will talk aboutwhat type of people to look for it in and it will give you a better idea of aperson that could have it. .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .postImageUrl , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:hover , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:visited , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:active { border:0!important; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:active , .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73 .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6635fdeb6668bf659d3a997541e63e73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: In Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau, stre Essay The first thing I would like to make clear, is thatany person can have an eating disorder. Statistics show different groups withanorexia, but the truth is that anyone can develop anorexia. After surveys,doctors have found that the age group where you will most commonly find anorexicpeople is between the ages of 13 to 21. Doctors believe that these people aremore at risk because of being exposed to people that are very judgmental andanalyze them. This makes the person feel that they have to stay a certain wayfor the people around them. In other words, these people are afraid of beingrejected by their peers for being too fat. The age groups can vary from as youngas

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Killer Angels Essays - Gettysburg Campaign, Battle Of Gettysburg

The Killer Angels The Killer Angels Most people think of the Civil War as a military battle between the North and South. Without studying the subject, they do not appreciate the facts that make up this historical event. When one reads the novel, The Killer Angels, the reader will have a much better perception and understanding of what actually happened during the war. The Killer Angels, which is written by Michael Shaara, tells the epic story of the great battle of Gettysburg, which left 50,000 Confederate and Union soldiers dead, wounded, or missing. The tale is told from the alternating points of view from several of each side's significant participants. The book moves back and forth from the North and South perspective. Shaara portrays the terrible butchery of the three days' fighting through the vividly ren-dered thoughts and emotions of men such as General Robert E. Lee, Major General John Buford from the South and from the North, Brigadier General Lewis Armistead, and Colonel Joshua Chamberlain. This is a tremendously moving novel, guaranteed unforget-table. The book instills in one's mind what a battle fought during the Civil War was actu-ally like to be apart of for the soldiers. The setting for the book takes place in Pennsylvania, where the Battle of Gettys-burg is fought. The author provides many detailed maps of both army's positions. Throughout the book, the reader is shown the pain, difficulty, anguish, and other dilemmas the armies face leading up to the final confrontation. In the beginning of the book we learn about the North from a spy for the South. His job was to scout the North's position as well count the number of troops. He reports to General Robert E. Lee and recalls what he saw. The spy's information proved useful to the Confederates' at the beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg. The fight at Gettysburg is a series of battles. At first the South gains ground but eventually the North secures the better field position and crushes the Southern forces. The author makes it clear that it is General Robert E. Lee's poor judgment and de-cisions that causes the South to lose the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee even credits himself for the South's failure, as quoted in the book, "No blame can be attached to the army for its failure to accomplish what was projected by me. . . . I alone am to blame, in perhaps ex-pecting too much of its prowess and valor . . . could I have foreseen that the attack on the last day would fail, I should certainly have tried some other course . . . but I do not know what better course I could have pursued" [The Killer Angels, Ballantine Books, page 349.] General Lee wanted to attack the Union troops at Gettysburg, even though the North had the better ground, more supplies, and thousands of more troops. Lee's mind was already set and he did not want to change it. Overall, Lee was a good general, but during this particular battle, he did not make the best of decisions, which in the opinion of the author led to the Confederate troops losing the war. In conclusion, I recommend The Killer Angels to anyone who is curious or inter-ested about finding out what the Civil War was like. The book provides an accurate and detailed description of the war. On the cover of the book, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf is quoted as saying that the book is "The best and most realistic historical novel about war I have ever read."